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Northern Lapwing 2024
Red Kite 2024
Common Crane 2024
Eurasian Dotterel 2024
Yellow-browed Warbler 2024
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Project: ''Experiencing biodiversity''
Bird monitoring
  Breeding Birds
     Common Breeding Birds
Common Breeding Bird Survey
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Data entry with NaturaList
     Rare Breeding Birds
Rare Breeding Bird Survey
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European Bee-eater
Breeding waterbirds
Grey Heron
Gulls and Terns
Grey partridge
Sand Martin
Meadow birds
Cirl bunting
  Non-breeding birds
     Monitoring of migratory and wintering waterbirds
Monitoring of migratory and wintering waterbirds in Germany
Count dates
        Waterbird Census
Background, aims and methods
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Data entry in / NaturaList
        Monitoring of resting Geese and Swans
Background, aims and methods
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Data entry in / NaturaList
Collecting data on juvenile percentages
     Crane roost counts
Background, aims and methods
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Data entry
Instructions and hints
  Technical tips and hints
First steps / Registration
My account
     Submit observations
Report observations (background)
Beobachtungen melden (Praxis)
Observation lists
Protection of observations
ornitho-App „NaturaList“
Beobachtungen verwalten
     Data analysis
Distribution grid-based (Atlas-Tool)
Foto- und Tondokumente
QR codes from
  Non-technical tips and hints
Age and Sex
Breeding codes and their application
Reporting of dead birds
Projekt ''NocMig''
     Identification tips and hints
Vocalisations of Woodpeckers
Hybrid Crows
Willow vs. Alpine Tit
Long-tailed Tits
Convenient, committed and cutting edge and have been enjoying a big and growing popularity. Many of us do use the joint portal for Luxembourg and Germany as digital diary, for organizing bird counts, as source of information and as photo archive. And it still continues becoming more and more convenient, just think of the newly developed App. This all comes for free and even advertisement is only very discreet. That is how it will continue. If every person registered donates only € 3.65 – in other words a cent for each day of the year – a substantial part of the yearly costs would be covered. If you are happy with the portal and us, please take a few minutes to support us. With your help and will continue to be what they stand for: convenience, commitment and cutting edge. Thank you!

natur&ëmwelt – fondation Hëllef fir d’Natur
IBAN: CCPL LULL LU89 1111 0789 9941 0000
(Please state as confirmation of purpose on your bank transfer slip).
Birdrace donators 2018
More than 30.000 Euro were donated by the participants of the Birdrace and their supporters for and We are very grateful for this fantastic support!

Birdrace donators 2017
More than 33.000 Euro were donated by the participants of the Birdrace and their supporters for and We are very grateful for this fantastic support!

Agatha Apotheke, Markus Althaus, Mechthild Althaus, Architektur Juhnke, Maria Arlt, Arnold Kontz Group, Liette Aschmann, Elmar Ballstaedt, Baugeschäft Loker, Christa Bayer, Georges Bechet, Livia Beck, Adi Behrens, Franҫois Benoy, Antje Berger, Pit Bertemes, BfN, Bio-Möbel-Bonn, Birdingtours GmbH, Bischöfliches Ordinariat Rottenburg, Gilles Biver, Robi Biwer, Manfred Bögershausen, Friederike Böhm, Franz Böhmer, Ute Borchers, Bresser, Famille Breuskin-Rausch, Cedric Brodin, BROMPTON Store Hamburg, Buchhandlung 213 Hamburg, BUND e.V., BUND Kreisgruppe Steinfurt, Guy Burger, Büro Arten Biotope Landschaft ABL, Büro für Artenschutz und Tierökologie, Büro für Faunistik und Landschaftsökologie, Büro für Feldornithologie, Liliane Burton, Julius Busold, Christoph Bussen, Agnes und Roland Carius, Concrete Rudolph GmbH, Consulting-Büro Dr. Kai Pagenkopf, Sabine Cruismann, Hary Daemen, Birgit Debus, Déireklinik Bäreldéng, Susanne Dembinski, Dominique Descoups, Janina Dollinger, Christa Dröschmeister, Druckhaus Dülmen, Drüner Coaching, Holger Düe-Laudien, U. u. H. Dumpe, Susanne Ebel, EFTAS Fernerkundung GmbH, Friedrich Eidam, Elektro Brömmel, Nora Elvinger, Eversmann, Norman Faber, Roland Felten, Stefan Ferger, Firma Bernd Kuhlmann, Pierre Fisch, Luise Fischer, Fliesenfachgeschäft Kölking Wobbe, Foerderwerk Natur e.V., Foto Krome, Foto Wannack, FPG Herne - Heller u. Kalka, Frinat GmbH, Froelich u. Sporbeck, Garten in Form, Gaststätte Zunftstube, Gavia EcoResearch, Geberit Produktions GmbH, Gerd Baumeister Spezialbaubetrieb, Doris Gillwald, Hanna Gronefeld, Elke Gross, Adelbert Grossmann, Nadine Grund, David Grupp, Katja und Stefan Grupp, Lydia Häfner, Marie-Claude Hatz, Haus Oveney, Johanna Heck, Janina Heim, Irmgard Heimbrodt, Heinrich Wichelmann Metallbau GmbH, Heinrichs und Overkämping Objektbau, Karen Heitland, Barbara Hellgardt, Pol Hentgen, Henni Herzchen, Heßling Maler und Lackierermeister, Hetkamp Einrichtung und Mode, Benedikt Hillebrandt, Bea Hornef, Claudia Huber, Barbara Hudec, Familie Illmann, Jutta Illmann, Imkerei Pottbienen, inter[net]litho, INULA, Elfi Ismar, Armin Jagel, Marc Jans, Carsten Jansen, Jaques Weindepot Rheine, Marc Junio, Kaminhaus Grewing, Petra Karg, Pascale Karger, Karl Frey Campingplatzbetriebe GmbH, Uschi Keßler, Sebastian Kiepsch, Rainer Koch, Danja Kölln, Lydie Konsbruck, Steffen Koschkar, Helga und Hubert Kotlarz, Jonas Kotlarz, Julia Kotlarz, Kowa Optimed Deutschland GmbH, Louiza Krahn, Helmut u. Martha Kramer, Rüdiger Krause, Bernd Krayer, Maren Kühl, Kuhlmann u. Stucht, Kunz GaLaPlan, Lisa Kurapkat, Tobias Landwehr, Wolfgang Lange, Christine Lehmann, Gisela Lehmann, Leica / Lecuit - Photo equipment, Ulrike Lentner, Christa Leyendecker, Jürgen Linnhoff, Mireille Lorge, Pierre Lorge, Patric Lorgé, Carmen Lorge-Rausch, Rüdiger Lüdtke, Lueb Wolters Baufachzentrum, Kerstin Maatz, Main-Taunus Recycling GmbH (MTR), Malerfachbetrieb Jansen GbR, Fernand Mathias-Kuffer, Meerkötter Werkstattbedarf, Beate Meffert, Ed Melchior, Claude Melde, Kristin Metzen, Niels Michael, Michael Succow Stiftung, Karen Mielke, Carlotta, Marlena, Jonna, Anne und Lars Mikelsons, Milvus GmbH, Guy Mirgain, Claude Mitsch, Carine Molitor-Braun, Jörn Möller, Gabriel Morath, NABU Bochum, NABU Dortmund, natur&ёmwelt asbl., natürlich RAD, Naturstein Keitzers, NLU-Projektges. mbH, Felix Normann und Amy Holmes, ökodorf Brodowin, ökotop GbR, optimalplan, Oriolus Software GmbH, ORNI Schule, Ornithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Heilbronn, Uta Pahlke, Stephanie Päpke, Pelikan-Film, Susanne und Hinrich Petersen, Physiotherapie Mader, Torben Piel, Ulrike Piper, Planula (Planungsbüro für Naturschutz und Landschaftsökologie), Praxis Wanda Wuttke, R und D Nekum, Uwe Radtke, Dieter Rautenberg, Tobias Rautenberg, rebio GmbH, Romy Reichel, Vera Reifenstein, Karin Robinet, Katja Rohde, Francoise Rollinger, Rainer Ruess, Thomas Sacher, Ulrich Sautter, SCE Consult Eberhard M. Stahl, Jil Schartz, Jochen Schäufele, Saskia Schirmer, Sandra Schlesselmann, Annette Schmidt, Dieter Schmidt-König und Ursel König, Tamara Schmit-Gil, Jim Schmitz, Siegfried Schneider, Irmela Schöneborn, Schröerlücke GmbH, Petra Schubert, Andreas Schult, Theo Schulte, Ute Schulte, Christian Schulz, Ruzica und Jessica Schulz, Anna Schumacher, Robert Schumann, Julia Schwandner, Verena Schwarz, Marlies Seeger, sequiserve, SGC Schwenke Geo Consult, Bettina Sommerburg, Karola Sommerburg, Marco Sommerfeld, Hans Spithoven, Jutta Stadler, Stadtwerke Rhede GmbH, Thomas Stanco, Thorsten Stegmann, Rolf Steinbrink, Stenert Heizung und Sanitär, Stefanie Stenzel, Jürgen Stober, Frank Stoltz, Manfred Stolz, Tatjana Stooß, Raymond Streicher, Patrick und Antje Stromski, Supporter Team, Sweco GmbH, Technofol Kunststoffe GmbH, Miriam Teuscher, The Irish Pub Hilden, Marc Theis, Martje Thießen, Tierarztpraxis für Vögel, Daniel Towers, Trans Hannover Express, Martin Treblin, Umwelt und Planung, Anke Valentin, Verzinstfix, Viebahn Sell, Vögel - Magazin für Vogelbeobachtung, Vogelkundliche Beobachtungsstation Untermain e.V., Volksbank Raesfeld, Kirsten von Starck-Schiller, Wachtmeister Bautenschutz/Fuger, Margrit und Klaus-Ulrich Wahl, Martin Wantoch, Herbert Weber, Dr. Norbert Weindorf, Weinhandel Kreutzberg Bonn, Jean Weiss, Lorenz Wenner, Günter Werner, WESSLING GmbH, Whisky-Stammtisch der Zunftstube, Claude Wolff, Tom Wulf, Nora Wuttke, WWR SignalTechnik GmbH, Zahnarzt Dr. Jürgen Böning, zündstoff, Isabelle Zwick
Biolovision Sàrl (Switzerland), 2003-2024