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Sooty Shearwater Sooty Shearwater
Sooty Shearwater
Photo : Kai Gauger
Sooty Shearwater
(Ardenna grisea)
Observations in Germany and Luxemburg based on data submitted via and since October 1st, 2024. Join in and help make the picture more complete!
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Thursday, August 15th, 2024
Watch out for Eurasian Dotterels! (Please also report nil counts!)
Das Brutgebiet des Mornellregenpfeifers liegt in den Fjällflächen und Tundren von Skandinavien bis Ostsibirien. Die europäischen Brutvögel überwintern in [...]
Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
Update: New version of the NaturaList app available (v0.264)
A new version of the NaturaList app for Android has been available since yesterday. In addition to various visual improvements, this mainly includes bug fixes and technical enhancements [...]
Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
Vogelwelt aktuell: Rückblick auf den Winter 2023/2024
Der vergangene Winter zeichnete sich durch erneut sehr milde Witterung aus. Genauer gesagt war es der 13. milde Winter in Folge und der drittmildeste je gemessene. Doch Rekorde [...]
Saturday, April 20th, 2024
Please select photos carufully!
Die digitale Fotografie hat die Übertragung von Bildern auf Internetseiten wie ornitho sehr einfach gemacht. An Spitzentagen werden mehrere hundert Fotos hochgeladen. [...]
Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
Keep your eyes open when using identification apps!
Smartphones are now a constant companion for most people. The technical possibilities in the field of bird identification are also developing rapidly. While digital identification [...]
Monday, April 8th, 2024
Important information on reporting via "NaturaList": location, time, species list
Die ornitho-App „NaturaList“ erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit und mittlerweile werden bei steigender Tendenz rund 60 % aller Daten mobil erfasst. Es zeigt [...]

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Monday, October 14th, 2024

Waxing Gibbous (11 days)
moonrise at 17h31, moonset at 3h05
 Sun: sunrise at 07h45, sunset at 18h30
 Day : dawn at 07h12 and dusk at 19h03
Last observation added: this minute.
Currently 635 visitors are online.
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Monday, October 14th, 2024

Eidersperrwerk Nord [1719_1_11s]
Eurasian Woodcock 
Nordstrand [1418_4_60s]
Horned Lark 
NSG Brenner Moor
Water Rails 
Bearded Reedling 
Travetal: nördlich Wolkenwehe: [2128_3_41s]
Northern Shoveler 
Leezener Au-Niederung Krems I [2127_2_16n]
White-tailed Eagle 
Altona, Fischereihafen
Yellow-legged Gull 
Caspian Gulls 
Bad Doberan: Ehbruch/Mühlenfließ [1837_3_45s]
Grey Wagtail 
Bantin: Feldflur W [2431_4_38n]
Techin N [2431_2_08s]
Water Rails 
Neubrandenburg, Uferpromenade 5 / Augustabad [2445_4]
White-tailed Eagle 
Neubrandenburg, Uferpromenade 3 / Jachthafen [2445_4]
White-tailed Eagle 
NSG "Nonnenhof", WVZ S-Teil Tollensesee [2545_1_11n]
Little Grebes 
NSG "Nonnenhof", Nonnenhof [2545_1_11s]
Water Rails 
Grey Wagtails 
Kneese Aussichtsturm
White-tailed Eagle 
Schweriner See Flessenow [2234_2_30s]
White-tailed Eagle 
Black Woodpecker 
Kiehnheide [1848_4_40s]
Dark-bellied Brant Goose 
Northern Pintails 
Red-breasted Mergansers 
Grebes, unidentified 
Grey Plovers 
Common Ringed Plover 
Eurasian Curlew 
Bar-tailed Godwits 
Caspian Gull 
Altenkirchen, offshore [1346_3_34s]
Dark-bellied Brant Geese 
Red-breasted Mergansers 
Black-throated Loons 
Baltrum, offshore [2210_3_33s]
Long-tailed Ducks 
Red-breasted Merganser 
Red-throated Loon 
Northern Gannet 
Baltrum: Westdorf
Purple Sandpipers 
Hauener Pütten
Egyptian Geese 
Bearded Reedlings 
Juist, offshore [2307_2_10s]
Red-breasted Merganser 
Red-throated Loons 
Northern Gannet 
Parasitic Jaegers 
Juist: Ortskern
Eurasian Collared Dove 
Yellow-browed Warbler 
Norderney: Ruppertsberger Wäldchen
Domestic Ducks (Bastard) 
Common Kingfishers 
Norderney: Südstrandpolder
Little Grebes 
Water Rail 
Bearded Reedlings 
Norderney: Südwesthörn
Water Rails 
Jack Snipe 
Norderney: Hafenwatt
Northern Wheatear 
Snow Bunting 
Duhner Heide [2117_2_17s]
Great Egret 
Grimmershörn [2118_1_12n]
Purple Sandpipers 
Mahlbusen / Wremen
Short-eared Owl 
NP Dorum-Neufeld
Common Goldeneye 
Red-throated Loon 
Great Egrets 
Horned Larks 
Northern Wheatear 
NP Spieka-Neufeld
Jack Snipe 
Padingbütteler Altendeich [2217_3_51n]
Eurasian Collared Dove 
Pütte Rintzeln / Wremen
Little Grebe 
Great Egret 
Wangerooge: Straße zum Osten
Eurasian Spoonbill 
Yellow-browed Warbler 
Wangerooge: Heidegebiet
Water Rail 
Wangerooge: Oststation Mellumrat
European Stonechat 
Steinhuder Meer: Badeinsel
Common Goldeneyes 
Common Mergansers 
Hildesheim Süd Ost [3825_4_39n]
Eurasian Collared Dove 
Northeim [4326_1_01s]
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 
Eichenwaldsee (KW Harvesse) (WVZ)
Egyptian Geese 
Northern Raven 
Harvesse [3628_3_34n]
Egyptian Geese 
Wendeburg Ort [3628_3_44n]
Red Kite 
Steinkirchen / Grünendeich [2423_2_17s]
Common Cranes 
Spiekeroog: Seawatching Noorderpad
Red-throated Pipit 
Überseering Bremerhaven [2417_1_03n]
Western Barn Owl 
Feldmark NW Loburg [3838_3_44s]
Grey Partridges 
Elbe: Wittenberge inkl. Hafen Wittenberge (GuS-SP)
Egyptian Geese 
Byhleguhrer See (WVZ)
Northern Shovelers 
Common Mergansers 
Köthener See
Red-necked Grebe 
Water Rails 
Common Kingfisher 
Park Sanssouci: Maschinenteich
Mandarin Ducks 
Park Sanssouci: Parkgraben
Mandarin Ducks 
Park Sanssouci: Friedensteich
Mandarin Ducks 
Elbe: Hinzdorf (GuS-SP)
Pink-footed Geese 
Documentation with the AKBB required 4 
Lesser White-fronted Geese 
Moorlinse Buch
Ferruginous Ducks 
WISTA-Gelände Nord
Crested Lark 
Dülmen Bauerschaft Merfeld/Esphorst S [4109_3_41n]
Caspian Gull 
Lesser Black-backed Gulls 
Stiftsmühle [4610_2_07n]
Canada Geese 
Common Merganser 
Grey Herons 
Caspian Gull 
Kall [5405_3_55s]
Black Woodpecker 
Hunsdiek [4611_3_43s]
Grey Heron 
Lennetal Hohenlimburg Altstadt Heide [4611_1_25s]
Common Kingfisher 
Wegberg: Ehem. Flugplatz Wildenrath W [4803_3_52n]
Common Kingfisher 
Weeze [4303_3_33n]
Common Kingfishers 
Documentation with the AKNW required 1 
Yellow-browed Warbler 
Uppenberg / Wasserweg [4011_2_16n]
Little Owl 
Ahsewiesen (WVZ)
Canada Geese 
Northern Shoveler 
Scherpemich [5110_1_11s]
Canada Geese 
Nidda: A661 - Maybachbrücke
Little Grebe 
Grünberg [5420_1_03s]
Little Owl 
Wieseckmündung Lahn
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 
Fuldaaue: Braach, Grundmühle [4924_3_52n]
Egyptian Geese 
Common Kingfisher 
Ziegenhain N, Felder [5021_3_45n]
Grey Partridges 
Trendelburg [4422_1_25s]
Sandgrube Aspisheim Nord
Great Grey Shrike 
Vogelschutzgebiet Ober-Hilbersheimer Plateau [6014_3_51s]
European Golden Plover 
Red-throated Pipit 
Dannstadt-Schauernheim [6515_4_49n]
Crested Larks 
Trier : Petrisberg [6206_1_21s]
Egyptian Geese 
Teningen / EM: Über der Elz [7813_3_51n]
Great Egret 
Water Pipits 
Ammertal TÜ West [7420_3_42s]
Ruddy Shelducks 
Derendinger Wiesen [7420_3_53s]
Bachhausen: Nord [7341_2_28s]
Black Woodpecker 
Stockpoint [7341_2_29s]
Black Woodpecker 
Vacher Müllberg, Flexdorf, RMD-Kanal [6431_4_58n]
Greylag Geese 
Great Egret 
Mooswaldsee neu NW
Documentation with the BAK required 5 
Western Cattle Egrets 
Eurasian Curlews 
Echinger Stausee
Yellow-legged / Caspian Gulls 
Taufkirchen [7936_3_31n]
Black Woodpecker 
Hohengandern [4625_2_18s]
Long-eared Owl 
Ohnestau Birkungen
Grey Herons 
Südhänge Leutratal Ost
Grey-headed Woodpecker 
Räcknitz [4948_3_45n]
Freiberg, Gewerbegebiet-Süd [5046_3_52s]
Northern Raven 
TG Niederspree: Neuteich [4655_1_04n]
White-tailed Eagles 
TÜP Oberlausitz: N Waldteich [4555_3_54n]
Water Rail 
Braunkohlefolgel. Nordwest-Ufer Zwenkauer See
Grey Wagtail 
Zitzschen O/ Kottichau/ Getsche [4739_4_48s]
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 
Zwenkauer See: Zitzschener Bucht
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 
Sächs. Schweiz, Zeughausstraße südl. Kuhstall [5051_4_46s]
Eurasian Woodcocks 
Sächs. Schweiz, am Kl. Winterberg [5051_4_56n]
Eurasian Woodcock 
Black Woodpeckers 
Northern Raven 
Helgoland: Kurgelände
Canada Goose 
Great Tits 
Helgoland: Düne-Nordwestmole
Long-tailed Duck 
Mediterranean Gulls 
Lapland Longspur 
Helgoland: Reede
Red-necked Grebe 
Black-throated Loon 
Helgoland: Anleger
Grey Heron 
Helgoland: Düne (gesamt)
European Stonechats 
Lapland Longspur 
Helgoland: Düne-Anleger
Black Guillemot 
Helgoland: Große Treppe
Eurasian Collared Doves 
Great Tit 
Documentation with the DAK required 1 
Hume's Leaf Warbler 
Helgoland: Oberland-Ort
Eurasian Collared Doves 
Helgoland: Nordoststrand
Short-eared Owl 
Horned Larks 
European Stonechat 
Helgoland: Düne-Süd/Strand
Short-eared Owl 
Helgoland: Kurpark
Short-eared Owl 
Eurasian Blue Tits 
Helgoland: Grillteich
Yellow-browed Warblers 
Helgoland: Falm
Mistle Thrushes 

Sunday, October 13th, 2024

Staubecken Krafft-Plobsheim [7512_2_26n]
Western Osprey 
Barlteraltendeich [1920_3_52n]
White-tailed Eagles 
Busenwurth [1920_3_33s]
Common Kingfisher 
Northern Ravens 
Büsum: Hafen [1819_3_42s]
Northern Gannet 
Dehringstrom östlich Fiel [1820_4_40n]
Barnacle Goose 
Dückerswisch westlich [1921_2_28s]
Red Kite 
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog, offshore [2018_4_57s]
Greater Scaups 
Meldorfer Speicherkoog N: Odinsloch
Great Egret 
Common Kingfisher 
Meldorfer Speicherkoog N: Wöhrdener Loch (FD11)
Hen Harrier 
Meldorfer Speicherkoog N (FD1) [1819_4_47n]
White-tailed Eagle 
Vorland Dieksanderkoog Nord (VD41) [1919_3_41s]
Northern Wheatears 
Schellbruch: Süßwasserteich
Little Grebe 
Elbe: Vorland Kollmar (WVZ)
Egyptian Geese 
Great Egret 
Horst (Holstein) [2123_4_56n]
European Stonechat 
Klärteiche Siethwende
Northern Shovelers 
Kollmarer Marsch: nördlich Krückaumündung (WVZ)
Egyptian Geese 
Great Egrets 
Kollmarer Marsch: Kollmar Süd (WVZ)
Great Egrets 
Amrum Odde (IA4) [1216_3_51s]
Northern Ravens 
Amrum-Norddorf [1316_1_01n]
Horned Larks 
Amrum-Wittdün [1316_3_44n]
Eurasian Collared Doves 
Bongsiel [1318_2_19n]
Peregrine Falcon 
ETS: Treeneschleife Hollbüllhuus
Northern Ravens 
Föhr-Ost [1217_3_44n]
Egyptian Geese 
Föhr-Ost [1217_3_45n]
Föhr-Wyk/ Boldixum [1217_3_54s]
Water Rail 
Föhr: Sörensvai-Vorland (IF11)
Little Grebes 
Hallig Hooge (IH6) Hanswarft Südwest [1417_1_23n]
Tundra Bean Geese 
Pink-footed Geese 
Hauke-Haien-Koog Nordbecken (FN31)/ Mittelbecken [1318_2_06s]
Little Stints 
Lehmsieker Forst [1521_3_54n]
Whooper Swans 
Lütt Jap (Sandbank Hooge Ost)
Purple Sandpipers 
Rickelsbüller Koog (FN1) [1117_2_08s]
Great Egret 
Sylt-Hörnum [1215_2_29n]
Black-necked Grebe 
Purple Sandpipers 
Sylt-List, Hafen [0916_4_47s]
Purple Sandpipers 
Sylt-Ost, Nössekoog [1116_1_02s]
Pink-footed Goose 
Sylt-Rantumbecken [1115_2_29n]
Great Egret 
Bearded Reedlings 
Sylt-Wenningstedt [1015_4_39n]
Red-throated Loon 
Tern, unidentified 
Sylt: Campingplatz Rantum
Red-throated Loon 
Great Grey Shrike 
Sylt: Hörnum-Hafen
Velvet Scoter 
Sylt: Westerland-Seawatching
Pink-footed Goose 
Red-breasted Mergansers 
Red-throated Loons 
Loon, unidentified 
Northern Gannets 
Sandpipers / Stints, unidentified 
Common Murres / Razorbills 
Little Gull 
Winnert E [1521_3_34s]
Northern Ravens 
Fehmarn: Fastensee
Northern Shovelers 
Red-breasted Mergansers 
Great Egrets 
Grey Plovers 
Spotted Redshanks 
Common Greenshanks 
Fehmarn: neues Gewässer südlich Fastensee
Eurasian Goshawk 
Spotted Redshank 
Fehmarn: Blieschendorf [1532_4_49n]
Common Moorhen 
Fehmarn: Fastensee N [1432_3_43s]
Common Snipe 
Neustadt Hafen [1830_4_59s]
Common Kingfisher 
Ostsee: Fehmarn, Fastensee S [1432_3_52n]
Bokel Mühlenteich (WVZ)
Canada Geese 
Kleientnahmestelle Wedeler Marsch
Little Grebes 
Great Egrets 
Western Osprey 
Common Kingfisher 
Krupunder See
Mandarin Ducks 
Biolovision Sàrl (Switzerland), 2003-2024