Welcome to ornitho.de and ornitho.lu
Ornitho.de and ornitho.lu shall give an up-to-date overview of bird life in Germany and Luxembourg, and it shall be put into an European context in co-operation with other ornitho-systems. It shall bring together everybody interested in bird life, shall inspire people about the avifauna, and shall support environmental education. The data from ornitho.de and ornitho.lu are used for scientific analysis and for the purpose of nature conservation. You will find more information in „What is ornitho.de?“.
Photo : Christopher König
Grey Partridge
(Perdix perdix)
Observations in Germany and Luxemburg based on data submitted via ornitho.de and ornitho.lu since September 1st, 2024. Join in and help make the picture more complete!
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Friday, January 31st, 2025
Adjustments for the start of the breeding season: atlas code query and coloured dots For a few bird species, such as the Eagle Owl, the breeding season has already begun, and in the next few weeks more and more species will start forming territories and searching [...] Friday, January 17th, 2025
New ornitho design: current adjustments and tips ornitho.de and ornitho.lu have been offering a new, revised interface since the end of October 2024. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the large amount of [...]Wednesday, January 1st, 2025
Please note: Birds have become one year older! Identifying the age of a bird is done according to the so-called calendar-years. With the turn of the year, birds hatched in 2024 no longer belong to the first calendar-year and [...]Wednesday, December 18th, 2024
Comfortable, committed and innovative also in 2025 - support us! Dear birdwatchers, dear users,
ornitho.de and ornitho.lu have been enjoying a big and growing popularity. More and more of You do use the joint portal for Luxembourg [...]Wednesday, October 30th, 2024
Ornitho.de and Ornitho.lu turn 13 - and get a more modern ‘face’ Ornitho.de and ornitho.lu went online on 30 October 2011 and have developed well since then. Many enhancements have been implemented since then, but visually they have remained [...]Thursday, August 15th, 2024
Watch out for Eurasian Dotterels! (Please also report nil counts!) Das Brutgebiet des Mornellregenpfeifers liegt in den Fjällflächen und Tundren von Skandinavien bis Ostsibirien. Die europäischen Brutvögel überwintern in [...] [other news]
Kassel Tuesday, February 18th, 2025
Waning Gibbous (20 days) moonrise at 0h14, moonset at 9h07
Sun: sunrise at 07h27, sunset at 17h43 Day : dawn at 06h54 and dusk at 18h17 |
Last observation added: 1 minute ago. Currently 295 visitors are online. |
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Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 Fischerhude [2820_3_44s] Feldflur NE Geesow [2752_1_25n]
Monday, February 17th, 2025 Niederlande [4801_1_05s]
12 Great Crested Grebes precise Canal d'Alsace/Rhein-km 271 [7612_1_04s]
8 Common Mergansers precise Brickeln [1921_3_54n] Eidersperrwerk Süd [1719_1_21n] Hellschen [1819_1_03n] Hohenhörn NOK [1921_2_29n] Meldorf [1920_1_04s] Meldorf: Hafen
≥5 Common Mergansers precise Meldorfer Speicherkoog N: Kronenloch Westteil Meldorfer Speicherkoog N (FD1) [1919_2_09n] Meldorfer Speicherkoog N (FD1) [1919_2_08n]
6 Common Mergansers precise Reinsbüttel [1819_1_15n] Elbe-Lübeck-Kanal: Oberbüssau [2129_4_48s]
7 Common Mergansers precise HL-Karlshof [2130_1_04n]
1 Common Kingfisher precise HL-St. Lorenz Süd [2130_1_21n]
2 White-tailed Eagles precise1 Common Kingfisher precise HL: A1 Abfahrt Genin [2129_4_49n]
1 Common Kingfisher precise HL: Burgtorfriedhof [2130_1_03s]
1 Middle Spotted Woodpecker precise HL: Stadtpark [2130_1_13n]
1 Middle Spotted Woodpecker precise HL: Tremser Teich HL: Vorwerker Hafen Ostsee: HL-Bucht, Brodtener Ufer Nordost [2031_1_03n]
≥40 Red-breasted Mergansers precise2 White-tailed Eagles precise Schellbruch (gesamt) (WVZ)
3 Northern Shovelers polygone31 Common Mergansers polygone1 White-tailed Eagle polygone4 Great Black-backed Gull polygone× Bearded Reedlings polygone Breitenburger Moor (Anstaufläche) Hohenlockstedt [2023_2_16s]
1 Common Kingfisher precise Itzehoe [2023_1_24s] Siebenecksknöll [2124_1_03n]
~800 Bewick's Swans precise Störniederung: Rantzau-Zufluss [2023_4_48n]
4 Common Mergansers precise Kiel: Kronshagener Weg [1626_4_47n]
1 European Green Woodpecker precise Kiel: Tröndelsee [1627_3_51s]
2 White-tailed Eagles precise Kieler Förde: Wik - Seegarten-Brücke (WVZ)
1 Domestic Duck (Bastard) polygone2 Red-breasted Mergansers polygone Amrum Odde (IA4) [1216_3_51s]
≥11 Long-tailed Ducks precise≥5 Common Goldeneyes precise≥5 Red-throated Loons precise Amrum Odde: Kniepsand (IA42) Beltringharder Koog: Kleientnahme Süd Lüttmoordamm (FN632)
2 Common Goldeneyes precise Beltringharder Koog (FN6) + Vorland [1419_3_43n]
9 Common Goldeneyes precise Beltringharder Koog (FN6) + Vorland [1419_3_33s] Beltringharder Koog: Lüttmoorsee (FN62) Beltringharder Koog (FN6)/ Arlauschleuse [1419_4_37n]
2 Common Mergansers precise1 Common Kingfisher precise ETS: Treenemarsch Süderhöft, Schwabstedter Osterkoog S [1621_1_15n]
2 Common Mergansers precise Föhr-Alkersum [1217_3_51n] Föhr-Alkersum [1216_4_60n] Föhr-Midlumer Vorland (IF13), Vogelkoje [1217_1_23s]
1 Rough-legged Buzzard precise Föhr-Oevenum [1217_3_33n] Föhr-Oldsum [1216_4_38n] Föhr-Ost [1217_3_44s] Föhr: Hafen Wyk
3 Common Goldeneyes precise7 Red-breasted Mergansers precise Forst Langenberg Fischteichkette
1 Eurasian Woodcock precise1 Common Kingfisher precise Hallig Langeneß (IH1), Peterswarf [1317_4_39n]
1 White-tailed Eagle precise Hauke-Haien-Koog Mittelbecken (FN32) + Vorland [1318_2_16n] Hauke-Haien-Koog Süd (FN33)/ Ockholmer Westerkoog [1318_2_29n]
1-3 White-tailed Eagles precise Hauke-Haien-Koog Südbecken (FN33) Husum [1520_1_03n]
1 White-tailed Eagle precise Immenstedt [1421_1_22s] Langenhorner Neuer Koog [1219_4_56n] Langenhorner Heide Nordwest [1319_2_26n]
1 White-tailed Eagle precise Langenhorner Neuer Koog [1219_3_52n] Mildstedter Tannen/ Mühlenau Neuer Störtewerker Koog [1219_3_45s] Nordstrand [1518_2_10s] Nordstrand [1518_2_20n] Nordstrand, Elisabeth-Sophien-Koog [1419_3_43s] Südermarsch [1520_1_24n] Sylt-Ost, Nössekoog [1116_1_13s]
1 Pink-footed Goose precise Sylt-Ost, Archsum [1116_1_14n] Sylt: Hörnum-Hafen
1 Red-breasted / Common Merganser precise Sylt: Rantumbecken Schönungsteich Teich am Lagedeich, Rödemis (FE82) Tönning Mitte [1619_4_47s] Vorland Simonsbergerkoog (VE12) [1519_2_29n] Vorland Nordstrand-Süderhafen (VN81/ VN821) [1519_2_16s] Vorland Nordstrand Nord (VN71) [1419_3_42n]
1 White-tailed Eagle precise Vorland St. Peter Nord: Strandsee (VE512) Vorland St. Peter Mitte (VE52) + Ort [1617_4_57n] Vorland St. Peter Nord (VE51) [1617_4_37n] Vorland Sönke-Nissen-Koog Nord (VN422) [1319_3_31s] Westerhever-Leikenhusen [1617_2_20n] Wyk Föhr, Flugplatz Bredenbeker Teich [2327_1_12n]
1 Middle Spotted Woodpecker precise Gut Neverstaven nördlich [2127_4_36s]
1 White-tailed Eagle precise Hahnheide Südwest [2328_4_56n] Curauer Moor: Westl. Malkendorf [2029_2_19s] Eichholzniederung Fehmarn, offshore [1432_3_35n]
2 Red-necked Grebes precise1 Red-throated Loon precise Fehmarn, Grüner Brink Ost [1433_3_52n]
≥1-10 Eurasian Oystercatchers precise1 Bar-tailed Godwit precise1 European Stonechat precise4 European Rock Pipits precise Fehmarn: Grüner Brink [1433_3_41s]
2 Red-breasted Mergansers precise Fehmarn: Puttgarden Fährbahnhof [1433_3_54s]
3 Red-breasted Mergansers precise Fehmarn: Markelsdorfer Binnensee
1 Common Ringed Plover precise Fehmarn: Markelsdorfer Huk Fehmarnsundbrücke Süd [1632_2_07n]
2 Red-breasted Mergansers precise Grüner Brink: Sandhaken
≥60 Common Shelducks precise1 Wader, unidentified precise4 Common Ringed Plover precise6 Eurasian Curlews precise4 Lesser Black-backed Gulls precise Grüner Brink: große Lagune
1 Black-tailed Godwit precise Hemmelsdorfer See Nord [2030_2_18n] Hemmelsdorfer See:Herrman-Löns-Turm (Rundblick) Heringsdorf, offshore [1732_2_06n]
≥3 Red-breasted Mergansers precise HL: Petroleumhafen [2030_3_52s] Lütjenbrode [1632_1_23n]
2 White-tailed Eagles square1 European Green Woodpecker square Oldenburg in Holstein [1731_1_04s] Ostsee: Fehmarnsund, Großenbrode Strandlagune [1632_1_15n]
2 Eurasian Oystercatchers square2 Common Ringed Plover square Schwinkenrader Forst Timmendorfer Strand [2030_2_08s] Appen nördlich [2324_1_15s] Elbe Haseldorfer Marsch: Auberg Nord (AUB05) (WVZ)
7 Common Goldeneyes polygone Elbe Haseldorfer Marsch: Pinnaumündung Süd (PIN01) (WVZ)
1 White-tailed Eagle polygone Elbe Haseldorfer Marsch: Bishorster Sand (BIS02) (WVZ)
1 White-tailed Eagle polygone Elbe Haseldorfer Marsch: Bishorst (BIS03) (WVZ)
1 Eurasian Woodcock polygone Grüner Damm, Holmerberg [2323_4_50s] Haseldorfer Marsch: Hetlinger Schanzteich (SZSA13) (WVZ)
2 White-tailed Eagles polygone Hetlingen [2323_4_59n] Marsch W Holm [2323_4_50n]
1 Common Kingfisher precise Wedel mit Geestkante [2424_1_02s]
≥1500 Barnacle Geese precise Wedeler Marsch: Scharenberg (WVZ)
4 Canada Geese polygone_precise Wedeler Marsch: Idenburg und Brunnenschutzgebiet (WVZ)
1 European Green Woodpecker polygone_precise5 Northern Ravens polygone_precise Wedeler Marsch -Nordwest [2323_4_60n]
1 European Green Woodpecker precise Jarbek [1627_4_39s] Laboe: Sandbänke Neustein
~2 Eurasian Oystercatchers precise~4 Eurasian Curlews precise Lanker See: Probstenwerder
2 White-tailed Eagles precise Lebrader Teiche Ostsee: KI-Förde, Neustein [1527_3_45s]
× Eurasian Oystercatchers precise Ostseeküste: Bottsand-Wendtorfer Schleuse Pohnsdorfer Stauung gesamt Rixdorfer Teiche (gesamt) (WVZ)
12 Common Shelducks polygone Selenter See (gesamt) (WVZ)
1 Pink-footed Goose polygone2 Domestic Ducks (Bastard) polygone2 Red-crested Pochards polygone_precise49 Common Mergansers polygone26 White-tailed Eagles polygone1 Great Black-backed Gull polygone1 Common Kingfisher polygone Stauen (Forst) Tresdorfer See (WVZ)
2 Domestic Ducks (Bastard) polygone2 Common Mergansers polygone2 White-tailed Eagles polygone1 Common Kingfisher polygone Warderholz (Forst) Borgdorfer See Buckener Au-Niederung [1924_1_04s] Buckener Au-Niederung [1924_2_06n]
2 White-tailed Eagles precise Buckener Au-Niederung [1824_4_56s] Bülk [1527_1_22s] Bülk Wiesen Bülk: Leuchtturm
≥20 Red-breasted Mergansers precise1 Eurasian Oystercatcher precise≥6-18 Purple Sandpipers precise≥1-6 European Rock Pipits precise 1 Eastern Yellow Wagtail precise Eiderniederung: Marutendorf Grauel westlich [1923_2_20s]
1 Eurasian Woodcock precise Hatzberg (Wald)
≥5 Red-breasted Mergansers precise Ostsee: Dän-Wohld, Hatzberg [1527_1_22n]
≥15 Red-breasted Mergansers precise Rendsburg Nobiskrug [1624_3_53n]
4 Common Goldeneyes precise~9 Common Mergansers precise1 Great Black-backed Gull precise Schlei: Ulsnisland - Missunde (WVZ)
44 Common Mergansers polygone Strande [1527_3_31s]
1 Eurasian Oystercatcher precise1 Eurasian Collared Dove precise Strande: Nord [1527_3_31n] Surendorf (Marinedepot) |