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Eurasian Oystercatcher Eurasian Oystercatcher
Eurasian Oystercatcher
Photo : Thorsten Krüger
Eurasian Oystercatcher
(Haematopus ostralegus)
Observations in Germany and Luxemburg based on data submitted via and since January 1st, 2024. Join in and help make the picture more complete!
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Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
Update: New version of the NaturaList app available (v0.264)
A new version of the NaturaList app for Android has been available since yesterday. In addition to various visual improvements, this mainly includes bug fixes and technical enhancements [...]
Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
Vogelwelt aktuell: Rückblick auf den Winter 2023/2024
Der vergangene Winter zeichnete sich durch erneut sehr milde Witterung aus. Genauer gesagt war es der 13. milde Winter in Folge und der drittmildeste je gemessene. Doch Rekorde [...]
Saturday, April 20th, 2024
Please select photos carufully!
Die digitale Fotografie hat die Übertragung von Bildern auf Internetseiten wie ornitho sehr einfach gemacht. An Spitzentagen werden mehrere hundert Fotos hochgeladen. [...]
Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
Keep your eyes open when using identification apps!
Smartphones are now a constant companion for most people. The technical possibilities in the field of bird identification are also developing rapidly. While digital identification [...]
Monday, April 8th, 2024
Important information on reporting via "NaturaList": location, time, species list
Die ornitho-App „NaturaList“ erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit und mittlerweile werden bei steigender Tendenz rund 60 % aller Daten mobil erfasst. Es zeigt [...]
Thursday, February 1st, 2024
Small adjustments to frequency classes
In ornitho, colour differentiation is used to distinguish between common species and rarities at first glance. Captive escapees, neozoans and hybrids are also shown separately (in [...]

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Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Waning Gibbous (21 days)
moonrise at 23h44, moonset at 13h35
 Sun: sunrise at 05h40, sunset at 21h16
 Day : dawn at 04h59 and dusk at 21h57
Last observation added: this minute.
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Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Niederlande [4802_3_45s]
White Stork 
Trischen, offshore [1817_4_59n]
Black Terns 
Nortorf [2022_3_32n]
Common Quail 
Beltringharder Koog (FN6) [1419_4_47n]
Beltringharder Koog (FN6) [1419_1_05s]
Little Stints 
Temminck's Stints 
Beltringharder Koog (FN6) [1419_4_38s]
Savi's Warblers 
Fahretofter Westerkoog (FN2) + Vorland [1218_3_55n]
Broad-billed Sandpiper 
Finkhaushalligkoog-Speicherbecken (FE1), Lundenbergsand
Great Egrets 
Common Sandpipers 
Hauke-Haien-Koog Südbecken (FN33) [1318_2_19s]
Documentation with the AK-SH/HH required 1 
Marsh Sandpiper 
Husum [1520_1_14s]
White Storks 
White-tailed Eagles 
NSG Westerspätinge (FE2)
Egyptian Geese 
Eurasian Spoonbills 
Great Egrets 
Simonsberger Koog (ME12)
Green Sandpiper 
Westerspätinge (FE2) + Vorland [1519_4_37s]
Great Egret 
Common Sandpipers 
Green Sandpipers 
Wiedervernässung Schafberg
Common Sandpiper 
Fehmarn: Sulsdorfer Wiek [1532_1_23s]
Little Grebes 
Ostsee: Fehmarn, Krummsteert Spitze [1532_3_43n]
Red-breasted Mergansers 
Sulsdorfer Wiek
Tornesch [2324_1_05s]
Egyptian Geese 
Tornesch [2324_1_05n]
Eurasian Oystercatcher 
Hochfelder See, Weiher östlich
Little Grebes 
Kührener Teich
Red-necked Grebes 
Black-necked Grebes 
Common Terns 
Neuwühren West [1727_1_14s]
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 
Pohnsdorfer Stauung: Ostpolder
Canada Geese 
Pohnsdorfer Stauung gesamt
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 
White-tailed Eagle 
Middle Spotted Woodpecker 
Armensee Fockbek
Common Goldeneyes 
Fockbek [1623_4_46s]
Common Sandpiper 
Fockbek Mitte [1623_4_57s]
Common Kingfisher 
Fockbeker Moor: Zentralbereich [1623_4_46n]
Fockbeker Wald
Red Crossbill 
Großes Moor Dätgen: West [1825_2_26n]
Canada Geese 
Western Marsh Harrier 
White-tailed Eagle 
Eurasian Hobby 
Little Ringed Plovers 
Common Redshank 
Common Greenshank 
Wood Sandpipers 
Common Ringed Plover 
Lindhof [1525_2_28n]
Common Ringed Plover 
NSG "Bewaldete Düne bei Noer"
Common Ringed Plover 
Ostsee: Eck-Bucht, Lindhof [1525_2_19s]
Common Ringed Plover 
Ostsee: Eck-Bucht, Lindhof [1525_2_18s]
Common Sandpipers 
Voßmoor / Besenhorster Sandberge [2527_4_39n]
Black Woodpecker 
Maasholm Bad [1226_3_51s]
Common Sandpipers 
NSG "Schleimündung", Vogelwärterhütte [1326_1_02n]
Pied Avocets 
Eurasian Whimbrel 
Common Redshanks 
Ostsee: Angeln, Gut Oehe südl. [1226_3_52s]
Little Terns 
Bergedorf [2527_1_13n]
Eurasian Bullfinch 
Bad Doberan S [1937_1_05n]
European Honey Buzzard 
Parper Tannen O [2140_1_04s]
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 
Brodaer Holz, Belvedere [2445_1]
Common Sandpipers 
Common Kingfishers 
Tollensesee, WVZ N-Teil [2445_3_35n]
Western Osprey 
Common Terns 
Neuburg [2035_2_29s]
Black Woodpecker 
Stolpe, Peenetal NW [2147_1_13n]
Little Bittern 
Thiessow-Endhaken [1748_1_13s]
Little Gull 
Rysumer Nacken [2508_3_51s]
Eurasian Spoonbills 
Pallid / Montagu's Harrier 
Common Cuckoos 
Bearded Reedlings 
Documentation with the DAK required 2 
Zitting Cisticolas 
Jadebusen: Schweiburger Watt [2515_4_48n]
Eurasian Spoonbill 
Schwimmendes Moor Sehestedt
Green Sandpiper 
Strandbad Tossens [2415_1_15n]
Parasitic Jaeger 
Aschener Moor / Lindloge-SW [3315_4_39n]
Black Woodpecker 
Northern Wheatears 
Aschener Moor bei Aussichtsplattform [3315_4_39s]
European Stonechats 
Aussichtsplattform NSG Aschener-Heeder Moor
Barnstorf Ortslage N [3217_3_41s]
Common Kingfishers 
Heeder Moor [3315_4_50n]
Eurasian Golden Oriole 
Leester Marsch [2918_4_60n]
Common Quail 
Leester Marsch [2919_3_41s]
Common Kingfisher 
Leester Marsch NW [2918_4_50s]
Red-backed Shrike 
NSG Aschener-Heeder Moor: Polder am Ossenbecker Moordamm
Common Shelducks 
Little Ringed Plovers 
Common Sandpipers 
Common Redshanks 
Osterbruchwiesen [2918_4_59n]
Waders, unidentified 
Red-backed Shrike 
European Stonechat 
Eurasian Bullfinch 
Weyhe [2918_4_60s]
White Storks 
European Green Woodpeckers 
Schortens [2413_4_48s]
Great Egrets 
Schortens [2413_4_47s]
White Storks 
Hankensbüttel [3229_4_48n]
Canada Geese 
Ackerflächen östl. Winzlar
Red-backed Shrikes 
Harkenbleck NO [3724_2_07n]
Eurasian Hobbies 
Hiddestorf N [3724_1_03s]
White Storks 
Katensen: S Feldmark [3527_3_41n]
Eurasian Curlew 
Kleines Vogelbiotop
Red-backed Shrike 
Meerbruchswiesen: Überschwemmungswiese
Common Shelducks 
Red Kite 
Black Kite 
Little Ringed Plovers 
Common Sandpipers 
Common Redshanks 
Common Greenshank 
Green Sandpiper 
Wood Sandpipers 
Little Stint 
Curlew Sandpiper 
Meerbruch: Schwarzstorchtümpel mit Pappelwald
Western Osprey 
Wood Sandpipers 
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 
Meerbruchswiesen: Büffelturm
European Stonechats 
Ökologische Schutzstation Steinhuder Meer
White Storks 
Northern Shovelers 
Wood Sandpiper 
Savi's Warbler 
Vogelbiotop Winzlar
Water Rail 
Alfeld (Leine) Süd [4024_2_20n]
White Storks 
Hildesheim: Hohnsensee
Egyptian Geese 
Schotenberg [3222_4_48n]
European Turtle Dove 
Wolterdingen: Moorah [2924_4_49n]
Common Quail 
Wolterdinger Feld [2924_4_50n]
Red Kites 
LG-Moorfeld [2728_2_27n]
Canada Geese 
Nordhorn - Blumensiedlung W [3508_3_43n]
Long-eared Owl 
Marschweg Süd (Oldenburg) [2815_3_43n]
Eurasian Oystercatchers 
Bullenheide [3816_1_02s]
Common Pheasant 
Essener Bruch (gesamt)
European Stonechats 
Hüggel [3713_4_49s]
Grey Heron 
Red-backed Shrikes 
S Daschfeld [3616_1_21s]
Red Kite 
Little Owl 
Red-backed Shrike 
S Neuenkirchen [3816_3_44n]
Grey Heron 
Apelern [3621_4_58n]
European Stonechat 
Kroge / Kroger Forst [3315_4_46s]
Red Crossbill 
NSG "Südlohner Moor": Kroger Moor [3315_4_38s]
Western Marsh Harrier 
Fischerhuder Wümmeniederung [2820_3_52n]
White Storks 
Kurpark Wilhelmshaven
Tawny Owl 
Gehrden-West [2626_2_20s]
White Stork 
Petersfehn I NO
Red Kite 
Feldmark E Zeppernick [3838_3_43n]
Grey Partridges 
Kiessee SW Loburg
Common Kingfisher 
Helmestausee: Nordost [4532_3_31n]
Eurasian Teal 
Northern Shoveler 
Black-necked Grebes 
Great Egrets 
Northern Lapwings 
Common Snipes 
Common Sandpipers 
Common Greenshanks 
Green Sandpiper 
Caspian Gull 
Black Tern 
Common Tern 
Eurasian Golden Oriole 
Kiesgrube Burgliebenau Nord [4638_1_03s]
Little Ringed Plovers 
Common Sandpiper 
Common Greenshank 
Wood Sandpiper 
Alte Elbe Bösewig Nord [4242-2]
White-tailed Eagles 
Börnicke NE [3347_2_20s]
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 
Feldflur W Sydow [3248_3_32s]
Common Quail 
Western Marsh Harriers 
Rieselwiesen Lübben
Barred Warbler 
Neuzeller Wiesenaue Mitte [3954_1_02n]
Liebätz [3845_1_22s]
Grey Wagtail 
Duisdorf [5208_3_44s]
Rose-ringed Parakeets 
Endenich [5208_3_45s]
Rose-ringed Parakeets 
Kemnader Stausee
Canada Geese 
Egyptian Geese 
Little Grebes 
Great Crested Grebes 
Great Egret 
Grey Herons 
Eurasian Oystercatcher 
Common Sandpipers 
Mediterranean Gulls 
Caspian Gull 
Lesser Black-backed Gull 
Canada Geese 
Little Grebe 
Great Crested Grebe 
Grey Heron 
Zwillbrocker Venn W [3906_3_32n]
Black-necked Grebe 
Water Rail 
Phoenix-West (Westteil) Dortmund [4510_2_09s]
Canada Geese 
DU-Baerl/Rheinvorland [4506_1_12s]
Egyptian Geese 
DU-Rheinauen Homberg/Beeckerwerth [4506_1_13s]
Egyptian Geese 
Little Ringed Plovers 
Common Sandpipers 
Rheinvorland Homberg
Egyptian Geese 
Common Sandpiper 
Green Sandpipers 
Common Terns 
Breloh [4710_2_28s]
Eurasian Collared Doves 
Heven Dorf [4509_4_38s]
Canada Geese 
Egyptian Geese 
Little Grebes 
Trienendorf [4509_4_60s]
Green Sandpiper 
Lippinghausen: Süd [3817_4_39n]
Eurasian Collared Dove 
Spradow-West [3717_4_56n]
Eurasian Collared Dove 
Werfener Bruch
Canada Geese 
Common Pheasants 
Grey Herons 
White Storks 
Northern Lapwings 
Common Snipe 
Wood Sandpiper 
Eurasian Collared Dove 
Abgrabung Kahrbahn
Water Rail 
Green Sandpiper 
European Stonechats 
Baggersee Kirchhoven
Black Woodpecker 
Heinsberg-Karken [4802_3_55s]
Egyptian Geese 
Heinsberg-Karken S/Heinsberg-Werlo N [4902_1_05n]
Little Ringed Plovers 
Wood Sandpipers 
Heinsberg-Karken N [4802_3_55n]
Black Woodpecker 
European Stonechats 
Rurniederung Heinsberg-Karken O [4802_4_56s]
White Storks 
Rurniederung Heinsberg-Karken NO/Steinkirchen [4802_4_56n]
White Stork 
Wegberg-Wildenrath S [4803_3_42s]
Black Woodpecker 
Friedhof Uerdingen
Rose-ringed Parakeet 
Uerdingen [4605_2_29n]
Domestic Duck (Bastard) 
Rose-ringed Parakeets 
Waldsee Uerdingen
Canada Geese 
Egyptian Geese 
Bad Salzuflen Grastrup / Retzen [3918_2_28s]
Grey Heron 
White Storks 
Bad Salzuflen Quentsiek [3918_2_28n]
Golfplatz Selbeck ost
Eurasian Goshawk 
Rieselfelder MS: 7er
Green Sandpipers 
Rieselfelder MS: 16er
Wood Sandpipers 
Red-backed Shrikes 
European Stonechat 
Biolovision Sàrl (Switzerland), 2003-2024